Man Motivation Message 2

Soul: Peanut Butter Falcon The Peanut Butter Falcon follows a young man with down syndrome named Zak, who has escaped from his care facility to follow his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Along the way, he stumbles upon an outlaw crab fisherman named Tyler, and the unlikely pair embarks on an adventure […]
Man Motivation Message 3

Mind: Top Gun Maverick “Don’t think. Just do.” – Great line from a great movie, but not a great way to live your life. Yet it represents a pivotal moment in the movie for Maverick and the burden he’s been carrying for years. If you know Top Gun, you know the […]
Man Motivation Message 4

Strength: Hacksaw Ridge The strength to go one more. The scene opens up with Desmond asking God what he should do next. Everything seems to be falling apart around him. The Japanese advancing, bombs going off, his team retreating over Hacksaw Ridge to regroup and fight another day…. He keeps leaning into God […]
Man Motivation Message 5

Loving Others: Ted Lasso Ted Lasso was a college football coach from Kansas, that was recruited to coach a professional soccer team in England, without knowing a single thing about the sport. Unbeknownst to Ted, the owner of the soccer team hired him in an attempt to ruin the club as an act […]
Man Motivation Message 6

Own It: The Way Back In The Way Back, Jack Cunningham is a high school basketball phenom who walks away from the game and gives up a promising future. As time passes, Jack experiences a traumatic event causing him to abuse alcohol, leading to the downfall of his marriage. Barely making it through […]
Man Motivation Message 1

Heart: Captain America Captain America is an iconic character that symbolizes strength and patriotism, but his muscles and colorful outfit aren’t what makes him a hero. If you’ve never seen Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers (Captain America) was originally only 5’4” and 95 pounds. He was constantly bullied, and his enlistment was rejected […]