(Name), you came to mind when I thought of guys interested in a challenge. I am leading a group of men through the Everyman Challenge and want to invite you.
Everyman is a six-month challenge with fun, adventurous, and deeply engaging components designed to bring men closer to God and draw them into a genuine brotherhood of Christian men.
I have seen firsthand, many who have engaged in the Challenge experience radical life change. Addictions shattered, marriages saved, purpose and contentment found, fulfillment realized, God-honoring priorities discovered and restored.
So, I want to invite you to join a group of men and me as we gather for monthly group events that are unique and FUN, weekly discussions (or Map Checks) that are honest and genuine, combined with ongoing personal challenges that will stretch you in both faith and discipline.
Have no misconceptions; it is called the Everyman CHALLENGE for a reason… it is not easy, but it is incredibly GOOD, and it is WORTH the investment.
This is not for those that want to remain comfortable or complacent. Our families, children, neighbors, and coworkers need men to fight for them. Men of courage, willing to fight for what is eternal, for what is much greater than ourselves.
However, you can not give what you do not possess… Everyman focuses on YOU. Your growth – your heart, mind, soul, and strength – helping you to love God with all and to fight well for others.
Here’s a video that sums it up: https: HERE
Additional info – https://bloodbrothers.org/everyman-participants/
Important Dates – Monthly Group Events:
•May ____
•June ____
•July ____
•August ____
•September ____
•October ____
Weekly Map Checks:
Dates, times, and locations to be determined based on what fits the majority of those who register and join my Braid.
• $25 (digital) or $60 (physical) – you can purchase either a digital or physical participant bundle which has everything you need for the Challenge.
• Plus any associated activity fees incurred for our Group Event activities.
Check out the map below for a bit more info. Let me know what you think.
We Rely 100% On The Generosity Of People Like You.